Tag: ecotherapy


Intention can be an important part of crossing the threshold during a wilderness rite-of-passage, life change, or any liminal transition, including our current collective initiation. My way of holding intention and threshold has shapeshifted over the years. Intention is not a goal. It’s good… Continue Reading “THRESHOLD: UNRELENTING MYSTERY”

NEW: THRESHOLD: Earth Intimacies & the Art of Transformation

I’m both tickled like a butterfly and hungry like a caterpillar for Wild Nature Heart’s new course/journey starting next month.

THRESHOLD: Earth Intimacies and the Art of Transformation is a 6-week course journey dedicated to tending both our personal and collective thresholds with intention and heart. With the images of threshold crossing and caterpillar-to-butterfly transformation as guiding metaphors, we will deepen our ecospiritual practices, practice being present with the whole of what is at our doorstep, and proliferate imaginal buds for what is emerging.

Falling Off the Map: an Invitation

I’m both excited and curious about Wild Nature Heart’s new course container starting next month. Falling Off the Map is premised on the sneaking suspicion that we’ve exhausted the exhausting maps we’re caught in. That we are being invited to fall through inherited maps… Continue Reading “Falling Off the Map: an Invitation”

Wild Nature Heart October Update

Dear Wild Nature Hearts, A few days ago, I woke up feeling overwhelmed. I sensed my imagination waning. Perhaps you can relate to that sensation of constriction that can arise when you’ve been digesting too much about climate catastrophes, shameless capitalist exploitation and commodification,… Continue Reading “Wild Nature Heart October Update”


Excited to announce two courses this fall: Deep Belonging in the Great Turning and a new course: A Hoof in Each Direction: Cultivating Earth-Rooted Wholeness. See below for brief descriptions. Follow the links to full course information or drop me a line at ryan@wildnatureheart.com.… Continue Reading “NEW FALL COURSES: DEEP BELONGING 3.0 AND A HOOF IN EACH DIRECTION”