Tag: ecotherapy

🌱Spring Emergence and The Great Turning

With migrating ducks and butterflies flitting about, the scent of cherry blossoms and lilac in the air, and brighter days, spring has Wild Nature Heart saying “Yes!” to the new season. Read our Spring Update.

Cultivating Belonging

At yesterday’s Wild Nature Heart Humboldt Gathering we dropped into our bodies, senses, souls, and stories of belonging in the Redwoods.

Free Online Ecotherapy Conference: Empowering Visions, Diverse Voices, and Practical Tools

JOIN ME, JOANNA MACY and 12+ diverse, inspirational leaders in the FIRST EVER ONLINE ECOTHERAPY CONFERENCE.

Wildlife In the Nearby Faraway

Happy World Wildlife Day! A day to celebrate all our relations, and to promote and protect biodiversity and wild habitat.

What (who) do you connect with in your nearby faraway?

Dreaming Spring – March Update

We just sent Wild Nature Heart’s very first newsletter. We’re so excited to share our spring emergence and our new programs with our inner circle!