Tag: Sunrise

From the Life Mat

From the Life Mat: 🌞 Feed beauty, starve the Beast 🌞 Forage imaginal possibilities beyond the hungry ghost energy of Empire 🌞 You are here to tend the Sacred 🌞 Court your radiant rage as a more-than-human wisdom  🌞 Refusing to be well-adjusted to a sick society is a… Continue Reading “From the Life Mat”

In deep conversation with the Magic of the world

From the Life mat this morning πŸ™‡πŸ»β€β™‚οΈπŸŒž INHALEMay all beings be who they really arewithout restriction or fear.May we stretch our starlight imagination beyond its binary rusty cages.May your liberation be my liberation.May we spend our unearned privilege in the service of Life and… Continue Reading “In deep conversation with the Magic of the world”