Tag: Elder

What to Learn From an 11,000 Year-old Elder?

If you’ve been in the Mojave and Sonora deserts you know creosote bushes are ubiquitous. Creosote plays a pivotal role in the desert ecosystem as a keystone species. Creosote has earned the title of “nurse plant,” helping many young cacti and other plants to establish,… Continue Reading “What to Learn From an 11,000 Year-old Elder?”

From the Life Mat

From the Life Mat: 🌞 Feed beauty, starve the Beast 🌞 Forage imaginal possibilities beyond the hungry ghost energy of Empire 🌞 You are here to tend the Sacred 🌞 Court your radiant rage as a more-than-human wisdom  🌞 Refusing to be well-adjusted to a sick society is a… Continue Reading “From the Life Mat”


What does it mean to be an initiated adult? Here’s Katie’s answer when I posed the question.