Allying with Nature’s Wisdom

Conversations with wild nature. Leading with our noses. Body wisdom. Learning from our more-than-human elders. Trusting. Sense-walking. Becoming elders. Meeting new plant neighbors. Play and innocence. Stillness. Just Being.

These were a few of the things we did and themes that were evoked in today’s Allying with Nature’s Wisdom gathering in the Redwoods.

Gratitude to all the beings of the forest and for everyone who came out for a sacred pause and reconnecting this morning 🌲

And thank you to author, biologist, teacher, painter Lorrie Klosterman for bringing your heart presence, thoughtfulness, and skills in leading us in our wild conversations walk.

Return to the Moon, Return to Self

Full Moon Blessings!

Last night a group of about 10 of us gathered to slow down and re-connect to nature, our inner voice, and each other. A sacred pause with the moon.

Only the moon hid behind the fog! Or was the fog there to teach valuable lessons?: That our wholeness is always there, despite clouds of distraction, doubt, division that we allow to gather in front of it.

That getting thwarted in agenda-driven life (even ‘lets go see the moon!’) can make us notice and simply BE WITH what is right there (persistent crickets, fresh air and summer scents, our bodies and breath and minds as they are, bats and mugwort)

After a simple spaciousness of silent BEING WITH the moment, we shared insights and stories that becomes medicine for each of us as we travel this human journey, as we keep coming back to wholeness, our enoughness, and our Groundedness at our core.

And as we walked back on the trail, knowing ourselves and each other better, the moon blessed us with an evocative dance through the Monterey pines, saying, thanks for visiting.
No, thank you, 🌝Moon.

In all the best and wild mysteries,

To keep in the earth loop of Wild Nature Heart events, sign up for the newsletter and join the Humboldt County or East Bay Meetup🦊


Tornado. Whirlwind. Sooo busy. Overwhelmed. Too much going on. Just trying to catch a breath. Clusterfuck.

This is our life we’re talking about?! These phrases I hear a lot, from friends, family, colleagues. I myself utter them from time to time.

Today is National Simplicity Day, celebrating Henry David Thoreau and advocating simple living close to nature. But it has me wondering what simplicity could possibly look like in today’s fast-jet, multi-tasked, overbooked, commodified, insta-world. Is it possible? Desirable? Hmm

Distinguishing the necessary from unnecessary was one of Thoreau’s first counsels. Simplify, simplify, simplify, he continues. Sounds simple and easy enough. But maybe not as straightforward as it would seem.

That new book I bought, that splurge at the Mexican restaurant, is it necessary? Is social media? What (money, energy, time) am I exchanging for what? That week along the River? How many plates/shirts/shoes/books/devices/plastic things do I need?

I don’t know definitive answers, but I think it must start at least with taking A SACRED PAUSE, preferably with wild nature, to slow down enough to ‘take stock’ of what indeed is claiming so much of our time, energy, ‘resources’.

Then Letting what is aligned (with my goals, my authentic self), rise up and vibrate, letting what is not begin to release its claims. It may require ‘sacrifice’—which really just means trading something for something of greater value.

Friends, meaningful and soulful interactions, nature connection? Check. Health, food, fresh air and water, inspiration and creative outlets? Check. Dreams and beauty? A bowl, a spoon, pants? Check. Living Soul purpose? Triple-check.

Beyond that? Not much certainty. Still sifting, shifting, simplifying.

Some reminders from Thoreau:

“Live in each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influence of the earth.”

“As for the complex ways of living, I love them not, however much I practice them. In as many places as possible, I will get my feet down to the earth.”—Journal, October 22,1853

“Every morning was a cheerful invitation to make my life of equal simplicity, and I may say innocence, with Nature herself.”—Walden


Hermit thrushes slinging their ethereal songs among the Sitka spruce set the scene for @wildnatureheart’s first Berry Walk of the season. Lots of first time tasters for salmonberry and salal berry.

Blackberries and thimbleberries are just starting, and wild cucumber vines/coastal manroot were trailing and setting their exotic gourds among the huckleberries and currants. And don’t forget about twinberry honeysuckle and elderberry.

So great to connect to our local plant communities and each other. Thanks all who came out!








Re-Wilding Tip: Drink the Forest

We were tossing around the idea of doing some quick, informative, and fun nature connection videos. So on a recent hike, we just went for it! So here’s the first of our Re-Wilding Tip videos.

In this one, wild-edible enthusiast Trinity Calabrese talks about how to make tea from evergreen tips. Enjoy!

Evergreen Tip Tea
Making a tea from redwoods and other evergreen needles:

Step 1)Gather a few spring tips (redwood, spruce, fir, pine)
Step 2)Crumble needles a little to release oils and put in jar/cup
Step 3)Pour in boiling water, then steep for 10 minutes and Strain.
Step 4)Drink the Forest. Feel it pour through your blood and come alive
Step 5)Give thanks to the forest for being awesome🙏 😎